The ongoing blog of caravanner, holidayist and dog-lover
Jock E Wheel !
If you read the Jock E Wheel blog page on this site, you will know that our holidays mainly consist of trips in the caravan with Jock, Jockette, Joe and Molly. Unfotunately after our last trip to the Isle of Wight in September 2023, and on arriving at Freshwater Bay at Bridport, we lost him-passing away that night, peacefully, in the caravan with us and Molly.
We were lucky enough to find Jo from Many Tears, a rescued pup that was being fostered in Kent at 10 weeks old with his sister Jelly Tots (Many Tears alphabetic way of naming their dogs). We loved him straight away, and picked him up at twelve weeks, bringing him home as a new member of the family and
as a new companion to Molly after we had months previously lost our Border Collie Max. We re-named him Jo Jo (shortened eventually to "Joe").
The observant amongst you would have noticed on the first few video's (April 2020) that Jou Jou Bean is limping on his left rear leg. The poor old chap snapped a tendon in his right rear leg last July, and the Vet suggested that we leave this to heal naturally, which we did, and which took about six months to heal.
Just as it was healing up finally, and he had regained the muscles to walk on it properly (January 2020), he snapped the crucia ligament in his left rear by slipping on a patch of mud playing with a dog in the Grove woods!
This time, because he had been limping on his right for six months, we followed the Vet's advice to operate, in January, which we did, and which has healed up really nicely, with various degrees of quiet progressive walking therapy.
He is still limping, but is much stronger, and can now walk for about an hour twice a day (from 15 minutes). So fingers (and legs) crossed he is, after all this time, almost back to full fitness.
Here is a video that I made of the poor old chap just after it happened. It's a bit cruel, I know, and I apologise because if you knew Joe (and maybe one day you will), You would know that he is the sweetest, most loving thing that ever lived.
He loved everybody and everything (except odd-looking dogs)!
Sorry Joe!