Joe, Molly and the lane

now featuring Eevee and Brucie!

The ongoing blog of caravanner, holidayist and dog-lover

Jock E Wheel !

17. Apr, 2022

Doing the deed

'Hello, I'm calling about the caravan that you have for sale?'

'Oh, Hi, Yes, she's a beauty, clean as you like and ready to go' (Birmingham accent)

'I wonder whether I can ask you a few questions?'

'Fire away, I can tell you all you need to know!'

'Well is she definitely damp-free?'

been out in her; had her for two years and me missus prefers the camper van. Belonged to an older couple before, and they had hardly used her either. That's why

'Absolutely, she's been stood on me drive since we've had her, we've never actually

she's in such good nick; She's hardly been used in the last 5 years.'

So perfect, sounds ideal.

'Well, that all sounds good. Would you take five grand?

'Your'e joking mate, this is a top of the range Bailey, comes with all the extras, motor mover, guarantee, all the barrels and wheel clamps thrown in!, I'm not taking offers, If you want her-as she stands and as advertised; £5,500 and not a penny less!'

A week later, on a Sunday morning in August, and as agreed, the caravan trundled into our close, kindly delivered and towed by the seller himself.

I was given a few tips and a lesson with the motor mover-and bang! There she was on our drive our Bailey Senator Vermont-ready to go!