Joe, Molly and the lane

now featuring Eevee and Brucie!

The ongoing blog of caravanner, holidayist and dog-lover

Jock E Wheel !

2. Jun, 2022

My Jockey Wheel has collapsed!

So here we are on our third year of caravanning. Taken a bit of summer time off as we love and have always been away in June. 

It is fair to say that we didn’t really know the first thing about caravanning until we set off on our first trip. The reason for my pseudonym is the blighting we took on our

moving and hooking up’s on those first trips and hopefully I can supply some help and guidance for newbies without breaking down (mentally)! Or giving up. I know I did think about giving up after some of our earliest experiences!

You can follow all your routines when moving towards hitch-up. But you need to give absolute resect to that tiny little part of the caravan -the Jockey wheel.

You can set up, fill up and ready the car and the van, have the dogs in the car and all your gear stowed. When you come to move the van you need to give all your love and attention to that little key part.

Our first trip. We had the motor mover working and easily spun the caravan round on the drive. Eased her into position ready to back the car on. We moved the van down our two-inch step and WHOP!

The jockey wheel collapsed, the A-frame crashing to the ground, rendering the caravan unmovable and useless. All the gear is stowed in the van, so lots of weight in there and two little old people to lift and sort out the predicament.

Now there are plenty of things that you can do and solve when you get a problem on your van but this is one that really kicks you in the nuts just as you are all set and ready to go!

First, keep calm; (easy for me to say now)!

You need to raise the front of the van and get the jockey wheel back into position. Do this by removing any moveable weight from the front of the van (either out or to the back).

You may be able now to lift the front of the van (we succeeded when our neighbour kindly phoned her son who popped round and performed the lift)..

You can also lift the front of the van by letting down the front legs (but, and especially on older vans) remember you should never use the legs as jacking tools.

Remain calm with the jockey wheel, using wooden blocks or similar to get the A-frame up and into position. Re-set the jockey wheel, and once sorted, ensure that the jockey wheel is wound close to the ground (the more extended the pole, the more likelihood of disaster).

Make sure the jockey wheel is securely fastened and locked. Do not drop it down kerbs. Be wary moving over gravel (We use boards to help). Ensure the jockey wheel is locked in position. And move the caravan with short movements with the motor mover so that the jockey wheel turns and spins as it should (so that you are not dragging it sideways) etc.

Remember the wheel supports the whole weight of the Caravan (plus 1-2 tonnes)!

We have had many issues relating to the Jockey wheel, and lots of disasters. I am only trying to share some of my issues to let new caravaners know that this little part is arguably the most important part of the caravan, particularly when it comes to that all important part when you are moving off.

If you treat you your Jockey wheel with love and respect it will behave well for you!

There is more to follow with other issues that I will add in later blogs.

Happy caravanning!
