Joe, Molly and the lane

now featuring Eevee and Brucie!

The ongoing blog of caravanner, holidayist and dog-lover

Jock E Wheel !

7. Jun, 2022

Kennack Sands

So on Tuesday we have the whole camp to ourselves. A few Caravans, Tents and campers left is all and a mixture of lovely sun and scattered intermittent very light fine drizzle. Today we did walk the dogs down on to Kennack Sands, taking the 'Dog walk to the beach route'.

It is a lovely walk, but as suggested it is a good half-hour, through woods and fields and dew-laden paths at 8;30AM. Our dogs Molly (now 13) and Joe 10, but with two poor back legs (plus Lyn with her bad knee!), persevered through were rewarded by bursting out onto Kennack Sands 2,500 steps later. There was nobody about, and we eventually wound up on the same beach that we had previously visited, which was empty at this time except for two small families taking in the easy surf and sunshine. (We had come the long way round)!

From our site the beach is on the right, and the road runs down to the right, so it's a bit of an optical illusion, as they are one and the same.

We were able to frolic in the rocks and enjoy the beach with the dogs (restrictions for them -not allowed from 10AM-6PM), so it was a lovely experience, plus, with hardly anyone about, we were able to walk back up the road without having to avoid lots of cars and is a very pleasant and about a twenty minute walk back up the other way.

Going back down tonight for a another splash about, a bite to eat and a pint!

(Incidentally this cover picture is the same view today of the image on the right which was taken on Friday night)!
