The ongoing blog of caravanner, holidayist and dog-lover
Jock E Wheel !
15. Jun, 2022
All good, lot's around this area, although prior to the explosion when the school holidays start, still very quiet (not complaining) on site.
Because it's been so hot, we have got into the habit of walking the dogs early on a lovely beach, which is still rewarding and also quite sensible-gets the walk done when there are really only dog-walkers and a few surfers about, can park the park easily, etc, then have a leisurely breakfast before deciding what to do with your day.
Yesterday we when we visited Lyn's old friend we were able to get a glimpse of what it might be like to move down to this area. Christ! There is a lot of building going on down here and house prices are soaring!
Also, even though it's very quiet down here, the traffic is not great, really busy and lots of queues on most journeys.
Anyroad, here are four reasons that we always come away in June;
1) School holidays-such a different life when the kids are at school-and many commiserations to young parents who have no choice but to pay double/treble and endure the extra traffic and extra exhorbitant prices just because they can't take the kids out of school! It means we are able to enjoy the peaceful times.
This would save us about £350 in total for the trip. Still have a decent bet and at time of writing have just had Dramatised and Eldar Eldarov as my first two winners in the ITV7!!
2) Royal Ascot-love it, love it, love it-and after attending the event six years on the trot, we love to watch this meeting FOC on holiday, on TV! (Bottle of Champagne in 2000 was £28.00-yesterday £68.00 per bottle (upwards), English Sparkling wine £56.00 a bottle.
Fingers crossed!
3) Wimbledon-Yet again, perfect viewing over the next couple of weeks, we never, ever watch Tennis, but worship this tournament, quintessentially English summertime and will watch it into the night. Best tournament in the world!
4) The Weather-never fails in June (and September)