The ongoing blog of caravanner, holidayist and dog-lover
Jock E Wheel !
29. Jun, 2022
This little Hare was chasing swallows in a field (honest)!
We were walking the dogs by the river at Standlake, when we spotted the hare as it frolicked around the field. It saw us, and the dogs, and persisted in chasing the birds, who also seemed to be enjoying the game.
We put the dogs onto leads and walked past the action, and the Hare ran off. As the Swallows kept up their swooping for insects, the brazen Hare (I don't think he could help himself), charged into the middle of the meadow again;
Now Joe and Molly were off their leads, and charged off with (their limited) abandon.
The hare ran off into the next field and gave the dogs great sniffing territory for ten minutes.
(No Hares were harmed in the making of the video)