The ongoing blog of caravanner, holidayist and dog-lover
Jock E Wheel !
13. Jul, 2022
Hot days and warm, balmy nights.
Hello Blogettes, Jock making a report July 12th.
So we are back and with the Cornwall trip behind us. Learned a lot about Devon and Cornwall, and for caravaners and campers, I will be listing and rating the various visited sites over the next few weeks.
For now, a bit of an impasse. Still working, and lots of covering of staff to do between now and the next trip, a Norwegian Cruise in late August. We have been enjoying the scorching weather and especially the long, warm, light and colourful evenings.
No beer (Jock) or wine (Jockette) on a Monday and Tuesday, and visits to the pub limited to special occasions only for July and August! Enjoying the garden, and to be frank, it is a nicer view and more relaxed evening on the decking with the pond burbling and the dogs sleeping at our feet, while the fire-pit flickers red.
The garden is in bloom and the pond has remarkably come clear, so the fish are enjoying life as much as we are enjoying them. We did get a fake Heron while we were in Cornwall as our daughter Corine spied a landing Heron greedily eyeing the ponds content in June.
And today, up early, I saw (didn't recognise them immediately) two bloody Herons, that then flew round and landed in the garden only to be ousted by the guarding Joe Joe! So the new fake Heron is not a fantastic deterrent.
I've still got me air-rifle primed and ready!
Been playing golf, listening to The Travelling Wilbury's and 70's rock on Alexa, got a fire-stick loaded and took my Virgin bills from a proposed £140 a month down to £64 plus a few add-ons, so that's all going the right way!
Got caravan holidays to come in September after the cruise, and thinking about going back to Cornwall, especially to Perranporth-who knows what may happen later in the year. Let's enjoy the sun while it lasts.
The Instagram thing is going quite well and with improving followers every day.
You can still email pictures of your dogs with a name to to add your pooches to the JoeMollyandthelanewebsite.
Catch up later;