Joe, Molly and the lane

now featuring Eevee and Brucie!

The ongoing blog of caravanner, holidayist and dog-lover

Jock E Wheel !

6. Sep, 2022

Cruising the Fjords of Norway

And the scenery did not disappoint!

Not so-apologies,. I don't take much notice of that stuff. But had I checked (and I could easily have done so), I would have seen the capacity of the Anthem of the Seas is 5000+.

I did think (or maybe didn't think) when I booked this last year that we would be on a massive cruise ship (thought the Fjords might be difficult for bigger ships to navigate)!

For those of you that haven't cruised before-believe me, that is just too many passengers. If you look at this type of ship you will see straight away they are soulless floating blocks of flats.

And it's all money! $25 for our first pair of onboard cocktails on Sunday afternoon, jolted us to buy the Premier Drinks passage with a "special offer" of second person 50% discount. Pricey but I had to do it to stop myself moaning and to give us the opportunity to enjoy ourselves fully and enjoy the full range of Beers, Wines, Spirits, Cocktails and Liquers available on a daily basis!

Sailed away from Southampton and cruised up the English Channel and up into the North Sea on the way to Norway. Dinner the first night was good, got a lovely window table, well attended as the sun went down.

Pubs, music bars, theatres, live bands, all good.

Bit of queueing for dinner and the next morning the queues were so big for breakfast, we tried two venues before giving up and getting coffee and Danish in a 5th Deck Patisserie.

(Never queued before for food on any ship)!

Our first Port of call was Stavanger, with a delightful, quiet, cruise up the Fjords before mooring first thing. Was up for an early Breakfast in the delightful Windjammer buffet to join the tour bus up to a hike up to Pulpit Rock.

What a hike! I am used to walking the dogs, but with Joe and Molly's age and health issues, we are all walking less. But no preparation would have prepared me for this Hike!
